Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Maxbizz is a values-driven consulting agency dedicated.




411 University St, Seattle


Year-End Tax Strategies

The holidays are fast approaching and the new year is coming right behind. The holiday season is always a joyous time, filled with numerous social outings and special family memories. Aside from focusing on staying within your budget while shopping and limiting the number of goodies you eat, there’s another thing you should remember to […]

My Favorite Things To Do In Scottsdale, AZ

With the Sonoran Desert as its backdrop, Scottsdale, Arizona, offers visitors and residents a variety of fun-filled activities, such as luxurious spas and resorts, lush golf courses, educational historic sites and museums, delicious eateries, and much more. You would be hard-pressed to have a boring experience when visiting this city. Here are my favorite things […]

Do You Know About Our Other Services?

When you think of a financial services firm, your mind probably goes straight to financial planning and investment management. Oftentimes, that’s exactly what you’ll get. At SC Financial Services, we go beyond what you’d expect. In fact, we’ve gone so far as to open a sister company to serve the specialized needs of our business […]